Thursday, January 7, 2010


The watch shatters and time is lost
Know we’ll pay the price no matter what the cost
As we strip another layer baring out soul
Inhale a little deeper to try to fill up the hole
Deep within our chest, our mind, our heart
Try to put it back together just to watch it fall apart
Joy fades away just like the sun sinking into night
Angry fist, white knuckled hands holding onto the fight
To continue may mean defeat
But the idea of victory tastes so very sweet
We need to let our egos melt into the sea
Know we can’t do it alone, that we need HIS MAJESTY
Accept a little guidance from the one who truly cares
So let us raise up our voices and our silent prayers
Please shine a light on our lives, our souls, we beg you to give
Because for years they have been food for the negative
We need to fight off the demons that chase us in the street
Run, run, running my only carriage is my feet

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