Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Dream

I dreamt my skin was feathered like a bird’s wings
My eyes got lost in the clouds and rings
The trees were blue and the sky was green
It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen
A lost beat was found in the core of my chest
I spread out my wings and leapt from the nest
I flew across oceans and puddles of fears
I dodged all the bullets, hatchets, and spears
Ashes covered the burial shroud
I tried to cry but it wasn’t allowed
So the tears in my eyes became frozen in time
War set them free and peace was the crime
I looked down and blood covered my hands
Blackness swarmed down on the beautiful lands
I murdered myself with caring too much
I broke my own heart with my own loving touch
I took in a breath and it fractured my bone
Just one single one, one all alone
I fell swirling down, hurling towards Earth
I opened my eyes and the land gave birth
To innocent children with hope starting to sprout
In inevitable death I learned what life was about

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