Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Mystery

Are You in the sky do You live in the sea
Where do You reside You are such a mystery
But if I believe
In the power of the Earth, in the howl of the winds
And that with every life that ends a new eternal life begins
Life in righteousness, life in shining peace
Where all hate is melted out and true love can never cease
If I seek
Write down open my lips and speak
Of the glory within my heart, and admit that I am weak
I’m just a drop in this endless sea
Realize it’s about You it’s not about them or me
This city, this country, this planet, this station
It’s not ours to claim, nah, this is all just Your creation
It’s not in our imagination
Invisible King sits high in concentration
As we fight over Your land Your laws Your regulations
We’re in violation
Because some of us refuse to love
We argue if You’re down below or if You’re up above
But the truth is we will never know
Until our souls are with You, Lord, our bodies deep beneath the snow
If we acknowledge, if we recognize
That You were there all along, You were never in disguise
In our mind, in our heart, in our soul
That we were just on a path, we were in never in control
Because fate isn’t carved and it isn’t etched in stone
It’s in Your hands, Almighty Father, but some are too vain to have ever known

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