Thursday, January 7, 2010

I Pray To You

I pray to you and will continue throughout all my days
You keep showing me you are there in oh so many ways
I don’t need to see your face to know that you are real
I see you in the sky, in the Earth, in how I feel
I thought I was lost, yeah, a lost cause
I thought my heart was frozen but in your holy light it thaws
I have finally found the strength to realize your love will always shine
The light of the Lord, the Almighty, the Divine
I tried to find ways to ease my troubled soul
Tried to fill the void in my heart, tried filling up the hole
By searching for some peace in all the wrong places
Tried to fill the emptiness with empty embraces
Looking for your love in everyone but you
Until I let you in I never knew true love was true
I know now I don’t need others to say that I belong
I no longer look to them to show me right from wrong
I don’t need anyone else’s blessing to know what I should do
From now on I will only seek guidance from you

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