Saturday, January 9, 2010


I don't believe in luck, I believe in fate
I believe in love, I don't believe in hate
With luck you get a rabbit's foot in your sweaty palm
By accepting love not hate then your soul, well it shall calm
Fate is not in your hands, it's in the hands of G-d
He rules this Earth and all His children with His golden rod

I don't believe in what they say, I only believe in ONE
You may not see Him but He's in the Earth and in the sun
They say you must read their book, that is what they say
To receive everlasting life you must go only by their way
But whether you call for Allah, Holy Lord, or Hashem
Remember to follow Him and only Him, do not worship them

I believe in love for all, I believe that is true
I believe, even if you don't, that He believes in you
Even if you've lost your way and you say that He's not there
Know that He has faith in you and He truly does care
He gave us freedom for a reason and with that He gave us choices
He gave us the right to think and the right to our own voices

I believe in tolerance, unity of all mankind
Learn to love eachother and then and only then we can find
That happiness comes from within, we know just what we need
If our hearts, our souls are empty then they need to feed
Just remember no one knows exactly what is right or wrong
So even if you don't believe just know that you belong

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