Thursday, January 28, 2010

True Love

Like a heart without a beat I would die without you
You’re the only reason I’m here; you’re the only one that’s true
Your love is so deep within my heart, so deep within my soul
I love your love so much; I let it swallow me whole
I regret questioning you but I know you understand
I fell so hard for you; you pulled me down like quicksand
A certain death I wouldn’t mind to be with you forever more
Your love hits me deeply like lightning to my core

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Are We Doing All That We Can?

A knot sits in the core of my chest
Are we really doing our best
To help out this supposed brotherhood of man?
The levies crumbled and the ground it cracked
And I guess there ain’t no going back
Back to the way that life all began

Are we doing all that we can?
Are we doing all that we can?

I watch a man of G-d walk by
Strangers hang their heads to cry
Who is this man and who does he claim to be?
Just another prophet on the side of the street
As the masses refuse to meet
The One who binds together you and me

Are we doing all that we can?
Are we doing all that we can?

Widows fall to their knees in prayer
The youth of this world forget to care
As silent faces walk away in haste
And you forget to stop and stare
And they all still forget what’s fair
As we forget to take the time to taste

Are we doing all that we can?
Are we doing all that we can?
Are we doing all that we can?
Are we doing all that we can?


We walk down a road, no signs say where we are
Don't know when to stop or if we've gone too far
The clouds overhead hang low and gray
One single sunbeam shows us the way
We keep our faith in what we don't know
An invisible being who doesn't even show
A face to us that we can see, we can relate
But we rely on Him to relieve and abate
All of our worries, our strife, and our fears
We look to Him to dry all our tears
I pray that He's real and for hate to decease
In this great puzzle I am only piece
I know that my fate is already planned
I know that my life is alone in G-d's hand
Skeptics ask how we believe in a force
When so many have strayed and wandered off course
It's our faith that gets us all through
And that leads us down the path we were meant to

Sunday, January 17, 2010


I sought Your guidance, I waited for your touch
Maybe, just maybe I expected too much
I listened for Your voice in the darkest of night
Maybe thinking You'd speak to me wasn't alright
I looked to the sky searching for Your face
Maybe I was looking in the completely wrong place
But I feel Your touch guiding my way
I hear Your voice in the lightest of day
I see Your face in everything that I see
Maybe, just maybe You believe in me

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Quest

What do I say to the ONE who created words,
Who opened our lips and let us speak?
How do I show my strength, Oh LORD,
When I, without your love, am cowardly and weak?
How do I conquer the quests you have set forth,
The hurdles sewn into my fate?
I accepted YOUR name, YOUR glory, and love
I just pray that it isn't too late

Monday, January 11, 2010


I feel the wind blow past my spine
The breath of the Lord, of the Divine
I feel the rain wet on my skin
The tears of my G-d for all of our sin
Thunder booms across the land
Voice of Hashem the lightning His hand
He is all around in the Earth and sea
He is inside of you and inside of me
From the dirt to the trees all the way to the skies
If you still do not see Him just open your eyes

Make It

Rip open a cloud let the rain spill down
Let it clean up that haze and hate in this town
Sounds of the street fill my mind
I try to see the bustle but I am blind
To the negavitity that tries to seep in
Gotta hold to my morals, keep up keepin
What I know what I have to do to make it there
Up, up above the clouds and the air
To live eternal life in his grace
To live peacefully in the most peaceful place

Sunday, January 10, 2010


I don't understand and I guess I never will
How they see His glory daily and they don't believe in Him still
I am not the one to judge or to cast the first stone
He is the only one who counts, G-d and G-d alone
I try my hardest to accept their choice
I try my best to hear their voice
But they try to convince me I am wrong
Try to break my shell, convince me I am not strong
I don't need their approval, my faith will never sway
They'll find out that they were wrong on their judgment day

Saturday, January 9, 2010

For Him

He alone is the ONE I love
My heart burns for Him
I see His eyes in the stars above
My heart burns for Him
He who has been there through thick and thin
He who lets life begin
He who forgives all our sins
My heart burns for Him

My People

The crowd moves silent along the ground
I see the sight but don't hear a sound
Shackles hang from strengthend hands
They move at the pace of the Egypt lands
Cracking whips down the spine
But that is their past it is not mine

They sing their redemption songs
Getting punished for no wrongs
Stolen from their native lands
Thought inferior because of dark hands
Cracking whips down the spine
But that is their past it is not mine

These people are not me
Those people I'll never be
Look deeper still and I will find
That that past is indeed mine
These people still are not free
These people, those people are me

We Are One

His skin is black my skin is white
He cannot hear I have no sight
I am weak and he is strong
I am mute he sings his song
I walk away he runs to hide
He walks on land I float in tide
He loves too little I love too much
I feel with heart he feels with touch
I am rich he begs in the street
I taste salty he tastes sweet
I hold freedom he holds none
We are different we are one


I don't believe in luck, I believe in fate
I believe in love, I don't believe in hate
With luck you get a rabbit's foot in your sweaty palm
By accepting love not hate then your soul, well it shall calm
Fate is not in your hands, it's in the hands of G-d
He rules this Earth and all His children with His golden rod

I don't believe in what they say, I only believe in ONE
You may not see Him but He's in the Earth and in the sun
They say you must read their book, that is what they say
To receive everlasting life you must go only by their way
But whether you call for Allah, Holy Lord, or Hashem
Remember to follow Him and only Him, do not worship them

I believe in love for all, I believe that is true
I believe, even if you don't, that He believes in you
Even if you've lost your way and you say that He's not there
Know that He has faith in you and He truly does care
He gave us freedom for a reason and with that He gave us choices
He gave us the right to think and the right to our own voices

I believe in tolerance, unity of all mankind
Learn to love eachother and then and only then we can find
That happiness comes from within, we know just what we need
If our hearts, our souls are empty then they need to feed
Just remember no one knows exactly what is right or wrong
So even if you don't believe just know that you belong


I watch the frozen river stay in it's place
I study the clouds in the sky to catch a glimpse of your face
But it's not there but I know you are
I know you are close though you seem so very far
Because in my darkest hours, in the night so dark
I am blessed with light again, if only a single spark
It's enough to for my eyes to see and my soul to guide
On the righteous path and make sure by your laws I abide
Because the truth is easy to see once you open your eyes
Open your mind and it shall vanquish all the lies

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Dream

I dreamt my skin was feathered like a bird’s wings
My eyes got lost in the clouds and rings
The trees were blue and the sky was green
It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen
A lost beat was found in the core of my chest
I spread out my wings and leapt from the nest
I flew across oceans and puddles of fears
I dodged all the bullets, hatchets, and spears
Ashes covered the burial shroud
I tried to cry but it wasn’t allowed
So the tears in my eyes became frozen in time
War set them free and peace was the crime
I looked down and blood covered my hands
Blackness swarmed down on the beautiful lands
I murdered myself with caring too much
I broke my own heart with my own loving touch
I took in a breath and it fractured my bone
Just one single one, one all alone
I fell swirling down, hurling towards Earth
I opened my eyes and the land gave birth
To innocent children with hope starting to sprout
In inevitable death I learned what life was about

I Believe

I believe in peace
I believe in an ember that never ceases
I believe in fate
I believe that love will conquer hate
I believe that we will find
That all he wants is unity of mankind
I believe in love
And I believe in G-d above

Who knew the heart could warm
Who knew there could be calm within the storm
Who knew the heart could beat
Who knew that realization could be so sweet

I believe in choice
I believe we all have a voice
I believe in hope
I believe in better ways to cope
I believe in trust
If you fall down shake off the dust
I believe in you
Even if you don’t believe in me too

Who knew the heart could warm
Who knew there could be calm within the storm
Who knew the heart could beat
Who knew that realization could be so sweet

The madness fills my eyes
Every time I fall victim to the lies
I try so hard to see his face
But I know he’s in this place

I believe in prayer
I believe in the power to share
I believe in you
Even if you don’t believe in me too

Who knew the heart could warm
Who knew there could be calm within the storm
Who knew the heart could beat
Who knew that realization could be so sweet


The watch shatters and time is lost
Know we’ll pay the price no matter what the cost
As we strip another layer baring out soul
Inhale a little deeper to try to fill up the hole
Deep within our chest, our mind, our heart
Try to put it back together just to watch it fall apart
Joy fades away just like the sun sinking into night
Angry fist, white knuckled hands holding onto the fight
To continue may mean defeat
But the idea of victory tastes so very sweet
We need to let our egos melt into the sea
Know we can’t do it alone, that we need HIS MAJESTY
Accept a little guidance from the one who truly cares
So let us raise up our voices and our silent prayers
Please shine a light on our lives, our souls, we beg you to give
Because for years they have been food for the negative
We need to fight off the demons that chase us in the street
Run, run, running my only carriage is my feet


Swallow the knot in the back of my throat
Open my eyes, my lips, and let my praises float
Up to the clouds and beyond to the sacred place
Give myself wholly to my deity let Him paint my face
With His light that gives me the strength to fight
To continue on in this life and to take the path that’s right
Keep my head clear, keep my focus on what is pure
But my soul has been damaged and I’m looking for the cure
I just need to look around and what do I see?
A world that’s crumbling but is still in His glory
All through all of the madness and all of the hate
I hold onto to the hope that we will all fulfill our fate

One Judgment

Guilt twists around my brain
Feeling so insane
They believe in the son
I believe in one
No son, just the Father of us all
Praying for redemption, waiting for the call
I’ve tried so hard to believe in what they say
But in my heart I know lying will never be okay
I must be true to how I feel inside
I want to shout it from the rooftops but instead I run and hide
I fear they will push me away, never to be seen again
Why do I fear their judgment when they are just mere men?
Only one opinion matters, only one is free to judge
Try to fool me with your books and words but my soul will never budge

The Mystery

Are You in the sky do You live in the sea
Where do You reside You are such a mystery
But if I believe
In the power of the Earth, in the howl of the winds
And that with every life that ends a new eternal life begins
Life in righteousness, life in shining peace
Where all hate is melted out and true love can never cease
If I seek
Write down open my lips and speak
Of the glory within my heart, and admit that I am weak
I’m just a drop in this endless sea
Realize it’s about You it’s not about them or me
This city, this country, this planet, this station
It’s not ours to claim, nah, this is all just Your creation
It’s not in our imagination
Invisible King sits high in concentration
As we fight over Your land Your laws Your regulations
We’re in violation
Because some of us refuse to love
We argue if You’re down below or if You’re up above
But the truth is we will never know
Until our souls are with You, Lord, our bodies deep beneath the snow
If we acknowledge, if we recognize
That You were there all along, You were never in disguise
In our mind, in our heart, in our soul
That we were just on a path, we were in never in control
Because fate isn’t carved and it isn’t etched in stone
It’s in Your hands, Almighty Father, but some are too vain to have ever known


Chains locked around my black and blue wrists
Getting sucker punched with black and blue fists
Digging for the truth but the pain of lies persists
Just needing to find light among these pessimists
They keep dragging me down
They keep bringing me down
I try to catch a breath but the waves of hate are making me drown
Bloodied feet from the broken crown
Lying in the ashes of a city burned to the ground
Running until I can’t feel the ache no more
As nerves bust beneath the skin and down to the core
Keep running, running until my weary soul reaches the shore
I can’t fly now but I know one day I’ll soar
I try to reach beyond my reach, I reach up to the sun
The clouds are just still frames of every wrong that I have done
I grab a ray and hold on tight to a single battle won
Pull myself into the sky and shoot hearts out of my gun
Air from the cycle gets sucked into my being
I blink one too many times, can’t believe what they are seeing
Hope around the corner, light around the bend
I pray that if I pass tonight to Heaven my soul G-d will send
I search amongst the hands and hearts, searching for a friend
Find broken ties, lost hopes, and lies of mistakes I long to mend
But I can’t breathe for you, no, I can’t breathe for them
I can’t live for no one but myself and Hashem
Try to strengthen my being bust through the Earth with my stem
Tatter my clothing in grief, just rip through the hem

I Pray To You

I pray to you and will continue throughout all my days
You keep showing me you are there in oh so many ways
I don’t need to see your face to know that you are real
I see you in the sky, in the Earth, in how I feel
I thought I was lost, yeah, a lost cause
I thought my heart was frozen but in your holy light it thaws
I have finally found the strength to realize your love will always shine
The light of the Lord, the Almighty, the Divine
I tried to find ways to ease my troubled soul
Tried to fill the void in my heart, tried filling up the hole
By searching for some peace in all the wrong places
Tried to fill the emptiness with empty embraces
Looking for your love in everyone but you
Until I let you in I never knew true love was true
I know now I don’t need others to say that I belong
I no longer look to them to show me right from wrong
I don’t need anyone else’s blessing to know what I should do
From now on I will only seek guidance from you

True Happiness

Just rockin’ away from the dark side of my mind
Hope that with this newfound light maybe I might find
The peace that has escaped me for so many years
Erase all the pain, all the struggles, all my fears
Standing in the same place for decades you see
Looking back and trying to sort through my lost history
But there’s just me
And the traces of lost family
Floating freely through all my lost memories
But now I have strength from above that’s within
For once in my life I know exactly where to begin
As I fall down on my knees right into your grace
With your words of peace and healing written all over my face
I’ve finally found my way through all of the hate
That consumed me for so long but it was well worth the wait

Salvation Rises

I try to focus on the positive thoughts let ‘em flow through
Try to focus on keeping my soul healthy and do what I can do
To secure my place when I leave this station
In holy righteousness, eternal life, re-creation
Of my self, of my being, of a better me
See so many negatives within humanity
From the top of Mount Zion I yell “Demons leave me be”
They try to pierce me with their claws while sinking in their teeth
But my protector, my savior, my holy shield
Surrounds me with his light forcing them all just to yield
Hidden and protected within a golden wing
I pray to the Almighty to take away everything
I am ready for salvation to arise
I am ready for eternal peace next to the King up in the skies
I realize, there’s a reason I’m on this Earth
I take another breath and revel in what the gift of life is worth
I’m here to help better the situation
To unite and purify G-d’s own creation
Humankind isn’t kind to each other as was planned
Instead we’re fighting over power, over money, over land
Why can’t we understand that He loves us all the same?
That we need to follow the holy path this isn’t just a game
This is life, our lives that he blessed upon us
So stop complaining, get up, and shake off the dust

The Battle

I try to climb the tree one branch at a time
Catch my breath, skin my knees, blood let’s me know I’m alive
Sprinting for the heavens trying to escape my crime
See the stream below hold my breath and take a dive
Because I know that even in the forest I can’t hide
The desert leaves my sins bare, bares my secrets deep inside
Even at my best I never really tried
I lock the door to my past and leave it all behind
No one knows just how I really feel
I drown in the hazy mist to try to block out what is real
I can’t help myself until I know the true deal
I put the wall up, the darkness I try to conceal
In this darkness I still try to find the light
In all of this wrong I still try to find what is right
Open my eyes because they’re blessed again with sight
Raise up my soul’s sword, now I’m all set to fight
It’s the battle of my life the battle of my days
It’s the battle to learn what’s right and to fix my ways
It’s the only way I’m gonna stand in the glory of G-d’s rays
Of holy righteousness and bathe in golden bays