Wednesday, March 17, 2010

From YOU Within Me

Blowing a fuse inside of me
Something snapped
And I felt so trapped
Trapped in tradition and who they wanted me to be
Just who they wanted to see when they looked at me
I’m not that child that must heed their voice
I’m an adult now; I can make my own choice
I blame them, but it’s my own fault
My own voice in my brain forcing me to halt
To think twice about what’s inside of my heart
To think three times before I would even start
I stopped
Something popped
Something clicked in my mind
Happiness can be easy to find
I can’t worry about them, what they might think of my life
I can’t let their opinion cause me so much pain and strife
I am me and that’s all that I need
Because with light in my life my soul can finally feed
Impurity and darkness might try to get through
But evil will never win as long as my faith is in YOU

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